International Healthcare volunteers went on their eleventh medical mission to Ghana West Africa from September 28th to October 13th.
2011 IHCV Volunteer Experiences
I am Sarah Lachman and I am a recent graduate from Temple University. This past summer was my first time to Ghana, Africa and my first time on a Medical Mission. It was a month before we, International Healthcare Volunteers, were leaving for Ghana and I was getting nervous. The reality of the trip had sunk in and this was the first time I was traveling without close friends or family. I have traveled all over before but never experienced anything like that in which I was embarking on. When people think of traveling and seeing the world, they normally associate that thought with vacation. I knew this was not a vacation and I would be taken out of my comfort zone completely, was I ready? I remember landing in Accra on our first day and I still questioned myself if I was ready. And to be honest, being a part of this organization quickly settled my nerves about if I was. I am appreciative to the 52 volunteers this year, not only did I experience a medical mission but it’s also the people that make the experience and this was a great one.
Are You Pregnant or Bloated? A Reflection of a Medical Mission to Ghana
If you were to tell me that I would do anything medical, I would have laughed out in tears. My whole life I have been surrounded by ultrasounds, babies, free HIV testing pens, and scrubs thanks to my OB/GYN mother, Pamela Brug-Panton, M.D.
Yet the thrill of my mother’s career never caught up with me. I wanted to be everything in the book growing up: an archeologist, fashion designer, scientist, actress/ model. Medical doctor was not even number 50 on my list. I guess being so exposed turned into over exposed and the thought of medicine did not appeal to me. It was only this year that I began to consider the field of medicine as a whole. No, it wasn’t a long talk with my mother, an inspiring and profound story on Discovery Channel, nor Gifted Hands by Ben Carson, but Grey’s Anatomy. Yes, Dr. Grey, Christina Yang, and “B-A” Alex Karev stole my heart. I don’t know what it was but it was that moment I decided I wanted to become a doctor, a plastic surgeon to be exact. Boobs aside, working with burn victims peaks my interest.
My Encounter of A Lifetime
My voyage to Ghana, West Africa was a trip and experience like no other. This trip was one of unique encounters and valuable cultural confrontation. It gave me a new perspective on life. Ghana was a trip that was not only enjoyable, but one that was life altering. All of those who traveled with the International Healthcare Volunteers; doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists, dentists, and volunteers all gave up their time and money to assist those who had limited resources when it came to their medical well-being.
Not At All What I Was Expecting
I had all of these ideas in my head about what our mission to Ghana was supposed to do. We were supposed to be providing the highest quality medical care we could, and we were supposed to be providing it at the lowest possible cost. We were supposed to be filling the gaps that couldn't be filled by the Ghanaian hospital staff. We were supposed to be performing complicated cases, and scary ones, and easy ones, and on, and on, and on. But for some reason, that's not what our mission became for me. When I think about those weeks, and all of the work that we did at Apam Catholic Hospital, I think about a little boy, and everything that we couldn't do for him.
The Ghana Experience
Life is precious. While most people would hastily agree with that statement, not enough people truly understand what it means. I am just a young man only newly acquainted with some of the beauties and horrors of life, but after having accompanied my father and the International Healthcare Volunteers (IHCV) on two medical missions to Ghana I feel confident in saying that I now truly understand that life is precious.
My role on these medical missions was that of Junior Volunteer, essentially it was my job to do whatever it was that the nurses and doctors on the mission needed of me. Whether it was managing the medical supplies, organizing the patient paperwork, running necessary equipment into the Operating Room, or helping to round on patients in the wards, I was constantly kept busy. There seemed to be a never ending and relentless stream of patients in need of care. There were so many different faces, each with their own story, all requiring care and assistance. It was a daunting thing to face.
Ghana Exceeded All My Expectations by Hanah Baron
My experiences in Ghana far exceeded my expectations. Working with the team of doctors and nurses gave me insight into the medical profession and also inspired me to pursue my own professional career in the hope that I can one day contribute my services to an under served population.
This was my first experience in the operating room and though I was totally new to the surgical environment, I felt very much as though I was a contributing member of the team by documenting the procedures with photographs and retrieving supplies during the operations.
Welcome Dr. Bio, Medical Director of KNUST Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana
Dr. Bio was hosted by IHCV as he finalized the affiliation agreement with UMDNJ - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and KNUST School of Medical Science for the ongoing transfer of educational programs via medical students, resident training and medical school faculty.
This process of transferring of knowledge across the continents to improve health care for all has been a goal of the founder Dr. Aikins and the IHCV Board.
Jamaica Mission 2009
IHCV medical director James Aikins and chaiperson Charletta Ayers collaborated with the Medicine in Action (MIA) medical team to provide care to underserved women in Jamaica.
Drs. Aikins and Ayers, with Medicine in Action volunteers, were able to provide over 200 cervical cancer screenings, performed 19 surgical cases and attended to 1,000 patients.
IHCV plans to develop future collaboration with MIA to provide medical and surgical care to residents of Kingston Jamaica.