2008 Volunteer Experiences from Dr. Elise Rossiter and Jackie Rossiter

My daughter Jackie (17) and I joined the mission with IHCV this summer and were amazed by the things this group of hardworking professionals was able to accomplish.  As the first clinical psychologist to go on the mission I was unsure of how I could contribute as was my daughter, a youth volunteer, who had no previous experience working in a medical setting.

2008 Volunteer Experience: IHCV, Ghana and Urology

“So HOW long has this urinary catheter been in?”

By the twentieth time that I had to ask the question to yet another patient in urinary retention, neither myself or Dr. Brett Lebed, my Urologist compare-in-arms, was surprised by the answer. The Urology clinic at Central Regional Hospital in Cape Coast was brimming with anxious individuals with indwelling catheters placed long ago, for unknown reasons. These proud people who could neither understand or remember the rationale for the catheter placement, sometimes 5 or 10 years ago, simply wanted it removed. They came from all over the region including neighboring countries such as Ivory Coast and waited without complaint for hours and hours in the stifling heat of the overcrowded clinic area.